
Jump Your Way to Health & Fitness

Doctors, Writers, and Athletes Agree: Rebounding is the Fastest and Most Effective Way to Be Fit and Stay Healthy

Books & Reprints


Born To Bounce book by Linda Brooks US$14.95
Linda Brooks most important work on rebounding to date. Covers solutions for dozens of health conditions from ALS to Weight Problems. Linda Brooks, CR,144 pages, pb.


Cancer-A Simple Approach book by Linda Brooks US$7.95
Cancer is no mystery! Simply stated, it is the result of an inefficient immune system. At last, Linda Brooks presents basic truths in her concise style of writing. No other book in the rebound industry is this complete in its content. Linda Brooks, 78 pages pb.





Rebounding And Your Immune System book by Linda Brooks US$7.95
An up-close look at your immune system, edema, and your natural chelation system. This 96 page book shows how rebound exercise supports you naturally. With emphasis on emotional and spiritual connections, and success stories from many who have benefited from the ultimate exercise. Linda Brooks, 96 pages pb.


Rebounding To Better Health book by Linda Brooks US$9.95
NEW Revised Edition released on October 15, 2008! The practical guide to the ultimate exercise now in a new and improved format. Linda Brooks, 96 pages, PB




Cancer Answer, The book by Albert Carter US$14.95
“The answer to cancer has been staring medical science in the face for at least a decade. I’m sure the scientists know because I know. It’s simply been a matter of putting all the pieces of the puzzle together. My Healthy Cell Concept does just that.”-Al Carter. Using scientific and medical evidence, Mr. Carter invariably convinces his critics, even those in the medical profession, that his healthy cell concept is the best way to total health. Al Carter – 247 pages pb.




Olympic Trainer book by Harry Sneider US$14.95
If your goal is an Olympic gold medal, or simply to get into the best shape you’ve ever been in your life – the OLYMPIC TRAINER is for you! Harry and Sarah Sneider have developed a simple system involving a rebound unit and a set of graduated handheld soft weights which you can use in your own home. They call it “resistive rebounding” and they’ve demonstrated it in their own fitness center – with world famous athletes, businessmen and women, housewives, children, retirees and the disabled – that resistive rebounding works. It’s inexpensive, it’s easy and it’s fun! Know the joy of reaching your maximum human potential, excelling in your chosen sport and, best of all, enjoying life to the utmost, with the Olympic Trainer (revised). Dr. Harry & Sarah Sneider, 146 pages, pb


Moving To Learn-Bouncing Gross Motor Lab by Sheila Steele US$11.99
A Teaching Manual for developing greater learning potential, physical, and emotional well-being through using the rebounder. 45pages, pb.



Looking Good-Feeling Great book by Karol Truman US$9.95
Karol Truman has been a student of physical fitness and nutrition for over thirty years. After being introduced to rebound exercise early in the 1970′s, she carefully tested it out, and soon became an avid convert. We’ve all shared the frustrations of diet and exercise. Diets are torture and they tend to take the weight off the wrong places. Exercise isn’t much better. Who wants to go out into the rain to jog, fighting off the dogs, traffic, and sore ankles? But, finally there is a better way! It seems odd that such a simple little device could bring such fantastic results. Rebounding gives the results you’ve been looking for and it lets you have fun at the same time. Karol Kuhn Truman. 166 pages pb




Jumping For Health by Dr. Morton Walker DPM US$14.95 US$12.95 (13% off)
Dr. Morton Walker’s historic book expounding upon the benefits of rebounding. He tells us, “Toil and sweat your way to fitness no more!” Dr. Morton Walker, 248 pages, pb.


Cellular Health reprint by Brian Schwager CMR US$1.50
Brian Schwager clears away the clouds and shines the light on the importance of cellular exercise 8 pages


Jumping For Health” reprint by Dr. Morton Walker US$1.50
Dr. Morton Walker, a professional medical journalist specializing in reporting on wholistic medicine, orthomolecular nutrition, and alternative methods of healing, has authored 1,650 published magazine and clinical journal articles plus 62 published consumer health books. The Avery Publishing Group has assigned him his own imprint, “A Dr. Morton Walker Health Book.” Dr. Morton Walker, 8 pages, pb.



Rebounding: Aerobic Resistive Exercise” reprint by Dr. Tina Wellman US$1.00
Dr. Tina Wellman, Ph.D., PNE provides a concise explanation of rebounding in this well researched article. Dr. Tina Wellman, 4 pages, pb.

Bounce your way to better health with a rebounder for weight loss, rehabilitation, cardiovascular fitness, and bone strengthening. We will help you meet your fitness goals with consultations, demonstrations, and personalized rebounder programs for you or your agency.

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