CPSC/CPSIA Compliance

Jump Your Way to Health & Fitness

Our Rebounders are the Best on the Market and We Treat Clients With The Utmost Respect and Consideration

Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act (CPSIA) Banner

CPSC / CPSIA Compliance Statement

Needak rebounders are therapeutic exercise devices and therefore The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) would categorizes Needak rebounders as “Unregulated.” Under this heading, Needak is required to meet minimum industry safety guidelines and provide the following information:

Products covered: Needak folding rebounders, Needak non-folding rebounders, and Needak stabilizing bars. These products are for use in health and exercise by people age 13 and older. Needak rebounders are not tramplines or mini-trampolines (athletic/gymnastic devices) or toys and should only be used by children 12 or younger when supervised by an adult.

Recalls: None

Completed Litigation: None

In addition, new legislation entitled the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act (CPSIA) adds additional protections for lead content (up to 600 ppm) and certain phthalates (up to 1000 ppm) for children’s products. This legislation took effect February 10, 2009 and all certification requirements must be met by February 10, 2010. Since Needak rebounders are not toys nor sold for unsupervised play by children, they do not fall under any of the categories of childrens products found in the legislation. Additionally, it is the interpretation of the Commissioner of CPSC that metals, fabrics, or other components that do not routinely contain lead are not included in the regulations. If Needak were compelled to comply with this legislation, only the coatings used to color the steel frame and stabilizing bar would fall under this regulation. Needak is not required to provide any disclosure at this time.

However in the public interest and to educate the public as to the dangers of foreign imports, we certify the steel, fabrics, coatings, and other components covered under CPSIA are in compliance with the regulations and are in fact lead free.

Bounce your way to better health with a rebounder for weight loss, rehabilitation, cardiovascular fitness, and bone strengthening. We will help you meet your fitness goals with consultations, demonstrations, and personalized rebounder programs for you or your agency.

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(212) 724-8762