Health Benefits

Jump Your Way to Health & Fitness

Health Benefits of Rebounding

Following the 33 health benefits listed below are 10 articles about specific health and wellness issues addressed by the rebounder: 1. best all-around exercise,               2. weight loss, 3. low impact for joints/cartilage, 4. immune system, 5. circulation,         6. physical/mental/emotional connections, 7. elderly/disabled, 8. incontinence,              9. arthritis/inflammation, 10. productivity/morale in the workplace.

Exercising correctly and regularly has great benefits for our health.  These benefits are listed on the Needak Manufacturing website.  This information is more extensively discussed in Dr. Morton Walker’s article, “Jumping for Health,” published in the “Townsend Letter for Doctors”, July 1995, pgs. 42-48.

“Rebounding is not a cure for anything, however, it is a tool for stimulating the miraculous human body to heal itself naturally … The need for cellular exercise, where the cell membrane is strengthened and every process of every cell is enhanced simultaneously, is met with each bounce on a shock-free rebounder,” (Linda Brooks, Born to Bounce , Greensboro, Vitally Yours Press, c.2006, p. 44).

  1. Rebounding provides an increased G-force (gravitational load), which strengthens the musculoskeletal systems.
  2. Rebounding protects the joints from the chronic fatigue and impact delivered by exercising on hard surfaces.
  3. Rebounding helps manage body composition and improves muscle-to-fat ratio.
  4. Rebounding aids lymphatic circulation by stimulating the millions of one-way valves in the lymphatic system.
  5. Rebounding circulates more oxygen to the tissues.
  6. Rebounding establishes a better equilibrium between the oxygen required by the tissues and the oxygen made available.
  7. Rebounding increases capacity for respiration.
  8. Rebounding tends to reduce the height to which the arterial pressures rise during exertion.
  9. Rebounding lessens the time during which blood pressure remains abnormal after severe activity.
  10. Rebounding assists in the rehabilitation of a heart problem.
  11. Rebounding increases the functional activity of the red bone marrow in the production of red blood cells.
  12. Rebounding improves resting metabolic rate so that more calories are burned for hours after exercise.
  13. Rebounding causes muscles to perform work in moving fluids through the body to lighten the heart’s load.
  14. Rebounding decreases the volume of blood pooling in the veins of the cardiovascular system preventing chronic edema .
  15. Rebounding encourages collateral circulation by increasing the capillary count in the muscles and decreasing the distance between the capillaries and the target cells.
  16. Rebounding strengthens the heart and other muscles in the body so that they work more efficiently.
  17. Rebounding allows the resting heart to beat less often.
  18. Rebounding lowers circulating cholesterol and triglyceride levels.
  19. Rebounding lowers low-density lipoprotein (bad) in the blood and increases high-density lipoprotein (good) holding off the incidence of coronary artery disease
  20. Rebounding promotes tissue repair.
  21. Rebounding for longer than 20 minutes at a moderate intensity increases the mitochondria count within the muscle cells, essential for endurance.
  22. Rebounding adds to the alkaline reserve of the body, which may be of significance in an emergency requiring prolonged effort.
  23. Rebounding improves coordination between the propreoceptors in the joints, the transmission of nerve impulses to and from the brain, transmission of nerve impulses and responsiveness of the muscle fibers.
  24. Rebounding improves the brain’s responsiveness to the vestibular apparatus within the inner ear, thus improving balance.
  25. Rebounding offers relief from neck and back pains, headaches and other pain caused by lack of exercise.
  26. Rebounding enhances digestion and elimination processes.
  27. Rebounding allows for deeper and easier relaxation and sleep.
  28. Rebounding results in better mental performance, with keener learning processes.
  29. Rebounding curtails fatigue and menstrual discomfort for women.
  30. Rebounding minimizes the number of colds, allergies, digestive disturbances, and abdominal problems.
  31. Rebounding tends to slow down atrophy in the aging process.
  32. Rebounding is an effective modality by which the user gains a sense of control and an improved self image.
  33. Rebounding is enjoyable!

Rebounder Education 1/ Best All-Around Exercise

What is the fastest, most efficient, easiest, most convenient, safest, portable, most reasonably priced exercise you can do?


Bouncing and/or jumping on a rebounder not only flushes out toxins, thereby boosting immunity and preparing the body to release fat (as described in the major best seller, The Fat Flush Plan, by Ann Louise Gittleman, M.S., C.N.S., New York, McGraw-Hill, c. 20 pgs. 93-94), it is also cardiovascular and weight-training all in one exercise.  In fact, the authors of another best seller, Fit for Life II (by Harvey & Marilyn Diamond, New York, Warner Books, c. 1987, p. 147),  call it “the best all-around exercise you can get.”  It is a whole-body exercise.

NASA (Journal of Applied Physiology 49(5): 881-887, 1980) found rebounding to be 68% more effective than jogging in terms of calorie-burning and oxygen uptake, while absorbing 87% of its impact.  By alternating weightlessness at the top of the bounce with more than your own body weight at the bottom of the bounce, rebounding stresses and therefore strengthens all the cells of the body as they adapt to the changing gravitational force.  Since every part of the body is made up of cells, all muscles, bones, joints, organs are strengthened.  This vertical exercise has a much more powerful effect on the body than any other, where the floor stops the movement and the energy of the body, often harming it in the process.  Metabolism is boosted; cholesterol and blood pressure normalized; balance, agility, vision, hearing, circulation, digestion, elimination are improved; the body is oxygenated and alkalized.

Rebounder Education 2/ Weight Loss

What’s the fastest way to lose weight?

Would you believe starvation is not it?

When you stop eating or severely limit your caloric intake, the body actually goes into starvation mode and holds onto as much fat as possible.  Of course, you’ll lose weight over the long haul and will most likely binge and gain it all back and then some once you start eating again.  The question is: “what’s the FASTEST way to lose weight in a short period of time and KEEP IT OFF?”


The major best seller, The Fat Flush Plan (p. 91), says you can literally “bounce off fat!”  Yes!  Bouncing just 5 minutes a day releases toxins, thereby preparing the body to lose fat.

Bounce 2 minutes 15 minutes before meals to really boost your metabolism.  In fact, studies have shown that the more often you exercise - even if only for short periods - the more you boost your metabolism.  To keep your metabolism burning calories, do not let your body go into starvation mode.  Instead eat 5 to 6 small meals throughout the day no more than 3 hours apart.

Here are 2 more tips from the Fat Flush Plan:  start your day with the juice of ½ lemon in 1 cup of hot water. This will detoxify the liver and is nicknamed “the model’s slimming secret.”  The second tip is drinking unsweetened organic cranberry juice/water throughout the day (8 oz cranberry juice + 56 oz water).

Combined with the lemon and cranberry juices and specific 10 or 20 minute exercise routines on the rebounder, you can lose weight quickly, safely, easily and permanently.


Rebounder Education 3/Low Impact for Joints/Cartilage

Have you stopped jogging because of knee, cartilage, back, joint, heel, or other problems?   What other exercise can you do?


Bouncing gently on a rebounder strengthens all the cells of your body, especially the bones and joints and will actually rebuild cartilage (Linda Brooks, Rebounding to Better Health, KE Publishing, c. 1995, pgs. 40-45).  It will help your back by separating the discs that tend to fuse together as we age.  Rebounding is actually 68% more effective than jogging in terms of calorie-burning and oxygen uptake and it absorbs 87% of its impact (NASA study), so you don’t hurt your body - you strengthen it, while getting cardiovascular and weight-training all in one exercise.

The added effect of the changing gravitational pull on your body as you go up and down builds you up without tearing down the body.  So, exercise the safe, effective, easy way!


Rebounder Education 4/Immune System

My immune system is in the dumps.  I’m always getting colds, sore throats, the flu,  viruses, infections, etc.  Help!


Gently bouncing on a rebounder boosts immunity by causing the valves of the lymphatic immune system to open and close, thereby flushing out toxins.  The white blood cells are tripled for the next hour.  These are the cells that kill off the harmful mutant cells which are always forming in our bodies and cause illness.  By creating more white cells, we are better able to combat sickness.

So, bounce gently for 2 minutes every waking hour.  Swing your arms up and down to really get those valves flushing  and those white blood cells tripling (Linda Brooks, Born to Bounce, Greensboro, Vitally Yours Press, c. 2006, pgs. 54-55).

Have you ever noticed how children love to bounce?  This instinct is actually nature’s way of jump-starting their immune systems.  So, save your furniture!  Get a rebounder!


Rebounder Education 5/ Circulation

Circulation problems?  Diabetes?  Varicose veins?  High blood pressure?  Phlebitis?  Wounds that will not heal?


Bouncing and/or jumping on a rebounder greatly improves blood circulation by getting it to move throughout the body the way nature intended.  Many doctors call the legs “the second heart.”  The circulation in our legs is vitally important to the rest of our body.  That’s why doctors have been recommending walking, which acts as a pumping movement to get the blood going up and down through the veins and arteries.  Without that action, people are at risk for phlebitis (as when sitting on an airplane for a long period of time), bedsores (as when lying in a hospital bed too long), varicose veins, etc.

Rebounding is even easier, more convenient, and can even be more specific than plain walking because it gets the heart rate up right away.  Pumping the legs toe/heel alternately while swinging the arms up and down greatly enhances circulation and strengthens the heart, thereby preventing and correcting the above-named problem (Karol Kuhn Truman, Looking Good, Feeling Great, Orem, Olympus Distributing, c. 1982, pgs. 114-117).


Rebounder Education 6/ Physical/Mental/Emotional Connections

Does your child have ADD/ADHD?  Is your child learning disabled?  Behavior problems?  Cerebral palsy?  Memory problems?

Believe it or not, there is most likely an underlying lack of hand/eye coordination.  Psychiatry and drugs (which may cause osteoporosis and other dangerous side effects) do not address the problem of mind/body disconnection.

REBOUNDING (bouncing and/or jumping) moves and exercises every brain cell as well as each of the body’s other trillions of cells.  Toxic metals are leached out of the brain cells to free up the neurons to work more effectively.  Better nourishment has a chance to penetrate the cell walls.

Many times the problem is neuromuscular dysfunction/uneven strength distribution - not reduced intellect or emotional illness.  Work on the physical defect is very likely to correct the mental/emotional/behavioral problem.  Correcting physical imbalance, hand/eye coordination, relieving stress, releasing kinetic energy, improving circulation and general health have resulted in numerous cases of vast improvement (as described in Dr. Morton Walker’s book, Jumping for Health (pgs. 127-145).

Does your “normal” child need to learn/memorize something for an upcoming test?  Try “whole body learning.”  Have him/her recite it while rebounding, which oxygenates the brain as well as all other cells of the body.  You may well be surprised by a good grade.


Rebounder Education 7/ Elderly/Disabled

What  can an elderly or disabled person do to exercise and get healthier?


An elderly person can stand on a rebounder, holding onto the optional balance bar while gently bouncing, possibly moving arms alternately up and down.  This will increase the heart rate, increase the circulation of all fluids in the body, thus oxygenating and nourishing all the cells, while providing lymphatic drainage, thereby flushing out toxins, and boosting immunity.  It will make the cheeks pink, improve balance, hearing, vision, normalize blood pressure, cholesterol, and help all other body functions (Brooks, ibid., pgs. 67-70). And the most important side effect: it will make the person smile.

What about a disabled person?  If (s)he is in a wheelchair, you can place their feet on the rebounder as you stand on the rebounder, bouncing for them, thereby creating circulation in their lower legs.  Then sit him/her on the rebounder while you gently bounce.  Or, if (s)he is able, (s)he can hold onto the balance bar and bounce their body, thus creating circulation throughout their entire body.

For someone who is bedridden, lie him/her face up across the rebounder, straddle them with your legs and gently bounce.  This will move fluid out of the lungs, possibly preventing  or alleviating pneumonia, which is a leading cause of death in hospitals (Brooks, ibid., pgs 71-76.)


Rebounder Education 8/ Incontinence

Incontinence?  Bladder Control?

Adult diapers are a billion dollar industry!  Even people in their 20’s and 30’s suffer from this problem, especially after pregnancy.  Don’t you have better things to do with your money?  Break free!

Here’s how: strengthen your sphincter muscles the easy way: REBOUND!

Bounce on a rebounder for short periods several times a day.  Since rebound exercise is cellular, it strengthens the cells of the sphincter muscles, building increased control of the bladder within about 2 weeks.

Start by wearing a pad while jumping/bouncing on the rebounder.  As you build strength in your muscles, you will be able to exercise with fewer trips to the bathroom, thinner pads, then panty liners.  In time, you will not need any pads.  You will no longer be incontinent!

A good routine would be 1-2 minutes of health bouncing 4-5 times a day for the first week, increasing to 3 minutes each time the second week and 5 minutes the third week.  Add light jogging and then all-out jumping if you like (Brooks, ibid., pgs. 45-47). Heal as you bounce!


Rebounder Education 9/ Arthritis/Inflammation

How can I improve my arthritis condition?


The joints of the body have no veins or lymphatic tubes.  Circulation comes from movement, which squeezes old fluid out and new fluid in.

When a foreign invader enters a joint, lymphocytes, or white blood cells, come to the site to clean up the inflamed joint.  They start eating, but because the joint isn’t being moved, they can’t get out, so they overeat and spew out toxins that kill cells on the synovial lining of the joint.  More lymphocytes come to the joint, eat, get trapped, spew toxins, and the situation gets worse.  The white blood cells are just trying to do their job of cleaning up the dead cells, but because of lack of movement of the joint from pain, they just cannot get out.

The answer then, from a natural standpoint, seems to be to find a way to painlessly move that lymph fluid holding white blood cells full of waste out of the inflamed joint and ultimately, out of the body.  How?

Gently bouncing on a rebounder flushes the lymph, the foreign body, the dead white blood cells and toxins out of the joint.  New white blood cells come in, do their work, but this time, because of repeated bouncing sessions, they are flushed from the joint before they can spew out toxins.  When the inflammation has subsided, gentle range of motion exercises re-establish movement to the joint.

Rebounding strengthens the tendons, ligaments, lining of the joints, and bones.  Start easily and slowly (Brooks, ibid., pgs. 39-42). Get back the joy and freedom of movement!


Rebounder Education 10/ Productivity/Morale

How can I increase productivity and morale and decrease absenteeism in the workplace without giving my employees a raise or more time off?

Healthier employees = healthier business.  Your whole workplace will be revitalized when your employees bounce/jump on rebounders.

In these difficult economic times, many agencies, perhaps your own, have cut back employees, leaving those remaining overworked and overstressed.  Constant stress leads to immune system breakdown, increasing susceptibility to colds, flu, even cancer, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart attacks, pinched nerves, carpal tunnel, back pain - the list goes on.  Pain and illness lead to increased absenteeism, higher health costs, and higher production costs.  You can’t offer your employees more money or time off.  Those who work 10, 12, or 14  hour days don’t really have time to work out.  So they get softer, heavier, unhappier, and more likely to have physical problems largely brought on by mental stress.  Some of them may even be ready to snap.

Is there a simple, inexpensive solution?


Rebounding boosts immunity, heart rate, all functions, strength, and endurance.

A president of a manufacturing company got a rebounder for himself.  Having experienced its benefits, he bought 52 more for his employees.  He “noticed a marked reduction in stress reactions among his employees from their engaging in rebound exercise.  Production increased; people showed improved physical capabilities; they had uplifted spirits; felt more at peace; required fewer hours for sleeping; generally looked healthier; acted more cheerfully at the workplace; a reduction in absenteeism took place; and pulse rates and blood pressures of employees who were tested all reduced in readings” (Walker, ibid., pgs. 90-91).

Smiling and laughing are universal reactions to the natural instinct of bouncing and jumping.  35,000 Hong Kong police and firemen rebound  10 minutes 3 times a day every day to stay in shape (Albert E.  Carter, The New Miracles of Rebound Exercise, Fountain Hills, A.L.M., c. 1988, p. 76).  That’s all!

So get your employees hopping and your productivity popping!

Bounce your way to better health with a rebounder for weight loss, rehabilitation, cardiovascular fitness, and bone strengthening. We will help you meet your fitness goals with consultations, demonstrations, and personalized rebounder programs for you or your agency.

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(212) 724-8762